Electronic Toll System Uruguay

Before the start of the project, the Uruguayan government collected tolls using the so-called “stop and go” system, applying RFID technology. Many vehicles subject to the toll payment for motorways were able to avoid the small number of toll plazas and thus avoid paying tolls altogether. In addition to more efficient tolling, the aim of the pilot project was the monitoring of transport in Uruguay and processing the monitoring data for future use.

In 60 days, from September to November 2016, SkyToll successfully implemented a pilot project for electronic monitoring and the collection of fees for road usage, which included 4,615 road sections of different categories.
SkyToll provided consulting services for the design, construction, funding and operation of the electronic toll system as part of a comprehensive nationwide government project aimed at implementing an ETC system.
The pilot solution covers nearly 8,241 km of specified road sections charged by the most advanced toll collection technology, which operates on the principle of GPS navigation, i.e. recording the position of each vehicle via a navigation device (On-Board Unit) inside cars and GPS satellites.
The electronic toll system in Uruguay uses technologically innovative OBUs integrating the following technologies:
– Satellite GPS positioning technology
– GSM/GPRS communication technology within mobile networks
– Existing microwave RFID technology for short- distance communication with OBUs and enabling the service of existing stop-and-go toll gantries.
The chosen toll collection technology provides for the maximum flexibility of the system to manage the future growth of cargo transport volume as well as the expansion of the road networks in Uruguay.

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