With our solution designs we build upon the symbiosis of state-of-the-art, globally recognised and in-the-long-run-progressive technologies or practices and complex professional competencies as well as services provided by our experts. In design, development and operation we emphasise profitability as well as the quality of a solution. As a matter of fact, we know that the price/quality ratio comes first with highly demanding contracting authorities. We do not need an outdated, complicated and environmentally non-friendly infrastructure, the construction of which is costly and time demanding and whose operation is unreasonably expensive. On the contrary we exclusively use new technologies, which allow us to integrate new solutions corresponding with the needs of a contracting authority in existing and by-operation-verified systems, which save time in construction and are cost efficient.
We are able to solve the new requirements of a contracting authority with maximum flexibility. We will simply add a new system or a service required to the existing solution. We never accept anything without a purpose or duplicate. As a result of the professional know-how of its staff, SkyToll is able to assist clients and deliver any service or part of a project. The combination of technological and expert knowledge as well as procedures allows SkyToll to deliver any transportation information system. And it really does not matter whether it involves an individual delivery or the expansion of an already-existing solution.