PRESS RELEASE      12. 08. 2020

In July the year-on-year growth in prescribed tolls remained above 6 percent

Prague, 12 August 2020 – In July 2020 carriers paid for driving on toll roads the total amount of CZK 982.8 million. Like in June, the growth of the prescribed tolls exceeded 6 percent – specifically, the collection increased by 6.11 percent year on year. With the same number of working days in 2019 and 2020, the growth was mainly due to the expansion of the toll road network as of 1 January 2020.

Carriers are still registering new vehicles in the Czech toll system. In the first week of August, the number of active registered vehicles in the system exceeded 500,000. Approximately 152,000 of these vehicles come from the Czech Republic, the rest are vehicles registered abroad. The 500,000th vehicle was registered by a carrier from Russia, it was a Volvo truck and was registered in the prepay toll mode.

As of 1 July, the service of logging in the Customer Zone was launched using identification tools accredited by the National Point for Identification and Authentication ( Carriers from the Czech Republic were the first to log in using this new method, which significantly increases the security of electronic communication between carriers and the toll system administrator. As of 1 September 2020, the safer method of logging in will also be required of carriers from Slovakia. Germany will be added later this year.

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