PRESS RELEASE      20. 03. 2024

Toll collection up 10% in February, also improved by leap year

Prague, 20 March 2024 – In February carriers paid for using roll roads and motorways the amount of CZK 1.29 billion. Year-on-year toll collection thus increased by 10 percent. In addition to the recovery in freight transport, the extra day obtained by carriers as a result of the leap year also contributed to the growth. The number of toll transactions processed by the system also increased by almost 9 percent (to almost 94 million) in February.

“During February, we completed the first phase of a large-scale project that will also introduce vehicle charging based on CO2 emissions as of 1 March 2024. The change has been introduced in connection with the implementation of a European directive aimed at supporting further reduction of CO2 emissions,” said Petr Chvátal, CzechToll CEO.

Vehicles first registered before 1 July 2019 and all M2 and M3 vehicles (buses) have been automatically assigned to the basic CO2 emission class 1 and, with the exception of vehicles powered purely by electricity and hydrogen (which belong to CO2 emission class 5), they do not qualify for a higher CO2 emission class (2 to 5, with lower fees). Their operators do not need to any action. For carriers with other vehicles, CzechToll recommends checking the eligibility for a higher CO2 emission class in the emission class finder at

At the end of February 837 thousand vehicles weighing over 3.5 tons were registered in the electronic toll system, of which 659 thousand vehicles had foreign license plate numbers. For these registered vehicles, CzechToll issued almost 648 thousand on-board units to carriers.

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