PRESS RELEASE      15. 01. 2024

Toll rates for vehicles weighing over 3.5 tons will include a new CO2 emission charge component from 1 March 2024

Prague, 15 January 2024 – The electronic toll system in the Czech Republic is introducing a new toll charge component from 1 March 2024, which will take into account the CO2 emissions of vehicles subject to toll payment. The adjustment is being enacted in connection with the implementation of Directive (EU) 2022/362 of the European Parliament and of the Council, which aims to promote further reduction in CO2 emissions.

The adjustment in toll rates is going to affect all categories of vehicles. In addition to the existing three components of the toll: the road use charge, the traffic noise charge and the air pollution charge (according to the EURO standard), a fourth new component – the CO2 emissions charge- is being introduced. In accordance with the EU legislation, five CO2 emission classes are being introduced. Charges are the highest in 1st CO2 emission class, while 5th CO2 emission class is reserved for emission-free vehicles.

Vehicles with a date of first registration before 1 July 2019 and all M2 and M3 vehicles (buses) will be classified in 1st CO2 emission class and are not eligible for a higher CO2 emission class (2nd to 5th, with lower rates). Their operators do not need to take any action, the inclusion will be automatic.

“For hauliers operating vehicles that were registered for the first time after 1 July 2019, we recommend inspecting the vehicle manufacturing documentation and then using the search engine at to check whether they are eligible for re-registration to a higher CO2 emission class with a lower toll rate,” said Petr Chvátal, CzechToll CEO.

Checking the CO2 emission class of vehicles registered after 1 July 2019 is not compulsory for the vehicle operator. Operators do not face any penalties if they operate a vehicle that qualifies for a higher CO2 emission class but they  keep the vehicle in 1st emission class.  They can carry out inspection and apply for a higher CO2 emission class at any time in the future; there is no deadline for submitting an electronic application. 

Not all vehicles that were registered for the first time after 1 July 2019 meet the requirements for classification in a higher CO2 emission class (2nd to 5th). It is decisive to comply with the parameters of the Directive, which the CO2 Emission Class Finder will help to verify, and to provide all the necessary documents. The CO2 Emission Class Finder will be commissioned on 20 January 2024 at .

The new toll calculation method will be introduced from 1 March 2024. The changes will not affect the volume discount system.

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