PRESS RELEASE      02. 11. 2020

Old OBUs can be returned to the Road and Motorway Directorate only until the end of November

Prague, 2 November 2020 – Only until the end of November can carriers return their OBUs from the old microwave toll system, the operation of which was terminated on 30 November 2019. Carriers can claim back their unused credit and deposit for Premid OBUs that are not damaged or expired.

The deposit can be refunded only for Premid OBUs on which a toll transaction has been carried out under a toll gantry during the previous 12 months. In fact the OBU had to be still in operation in November 2019. At the same time, the OBU cannot be damaged. For OBUs issued in the prepay toll mode, unused credit will be refunded as well.

The OBUs of the terminated microwave toll system can be returned by carriers exclusively by post to the address of the central collection point: ŘSD ÚPEM, nábřeží Ludvíka Svobody 1222/12, 110 00 Praha 1. The consignment must be accompanied by an application for the refund of the deposit and the credit (downloadable at and a copy of the registration certificate or the technical certificate of the vehicle for which the Premid OBU was issued.

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